Highly unlikely. there has been nothing actually new in a year now.
I find it puzzling that no photos of Beshine or Chelsea in public ever end up on the internet. I mean if I was a member of the public and I happened to see either of them in a supermarket or going about their day to day business I would at least try and take a sneaky pic. Chelsea was at the Minnesota state fair the other day which presumably would have been packed and if Beshine is clubbing in Ibiza in some of the busiest clubs in the world then surely there must be some snaps out there. The only true candids I can recall seeing are of Keisha Evans and Lisa Lipps on the people of walmart site and one of Chelsea Charms at an airport from quite far away.
I believe hearing an anecdote from Chelsea where she was in public and an old woman thought she was pregnant, i.e. Her boobs were actually a pregnant belly. Lol. The old woman said "well young lady, you sure are 'showing high' to be so late in your pregnancy." lol
I can't remember where I heard that from.
(09-16-2013, 04:48 PM)Articdonkey Wrote: [ -> ]I find it puzzling that no photos of Beshine or Chelsea in public ever end up on the internet. I mean if I was a member of the public and I happened to see either of them in a supermarket or going about their day to day business I would at least try and take a sneaky pic. Chelsea was at the Minnesota state fair the other day which presumably would have been packed and if Beshine is clubbing in Ibiza in some of the busiest clubs in the world then surely there must be some snaps out there. The only true candids I can recall seeing are of Keisha Evans and Lisa Lipps on the people of walmart site and one of Chelsea Charms at an airport from quite far away.
I'd say we can chalk that up to two things:
1. Very limited public appearances
2. People are too shocked to pull out their iphones to snap pictures in time.
Of course, Beshine has posted a multitude of her own public candid shots.
A common strategy from models. They take lots of pics when they have time, they store them and release them slowly over the lapse of years and decades. Some people think they are new, but in reality they are not, they just hadn't been released before.
(09-23-2013, 01:03 AM)Djoser Wrote: [ -> ]A common strategy from models. They take lots of pics when they have time, they store them and release them slowly over the lapse of years and decades. Some people think they are new, but in reality they are not, they just hadn't been released before.
Well that's annoying...
wow cool pic from air port
yep from her latest ibiza trip.its so cool with pics like that
she looks SO lovably ginormous there

yes, both she and chelsea look bigger than usual in some of their latest pics, and what is more amazing, because of the distance and the angle, they don't seem to be an artifact of the camera.
True. Beshine's on twitter complaining her bras are too small again:
"Beshine â€@iambeshine 8 Oct
just got home and put my bra off. puhh... let the boobies free! especially when the bra is too small. they love to bounce, swing and jiggle"
lol i would love to feel those blimps smashing on me
Second that Djoser! I would also like to see her in a bra that just baaaarely fits, it's a hot look imho.
last set with the 'growing growing growing' top is so awesome!
73 samples from Beshine's Diary added to her Gallery!
![[Image: 2011%20Selfies%21%203.JPG?m=1383115470]](http://gallery.bearchive.co/var/resizes/The-Women-of-BEA/Beshine/2011%20Selfies%21%203.JPG?m=1383115470)
Beshine calls these shots "Boob-O-Lantern" pics! Have a Horrible Halloween!
![[Image: 2011%20Boob-O-Lantern%203.jpg?m=1383115706]](http://gallery.bearchive.co/var/resizes/The-Women-of-BEA/Beshine/2011%20Boob-O-Lantern%203.jpg?m=1383115706)
man the boob o' lanterns are so amazing. This woman is a living fantasy!
(11-02-2013, 08:57 PM)loucar1986 Wrote: [ -> ]New update posted by beshine. Trying to find some samples to sahre
looks like a boring update. same type of shirts, in the poses, and same angles
I suppose there could be different angles, but imo the model is not boring in the least.
haha i could see these allegedly 'boring' poses 24/7
I love beshine... Shes my fav big boob model. Im just saying it the same type of outfits lately usally tshirts and very similar poses.
I"m still hoping we'll see that "enhanced booty" one of these days. It's been 13 months since she had the procedure!
I was thinking the same thing after looking at her most recent update
hmmm well, call me skeptic but...