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Full Version: You know you have BIG boobs when......
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I wish I knew more about the story but sadly, that is all I know. I know that there are pictures or drawings of her and I wish I knew her name... cos that would help!
yes, that does sound pretty epic, do you know the historical period when she lived?
It was like 1800s maybe as late as the 1910s. I think there may be a photo of her somewhere
oh wow, pretty recent...i thought it was in Captain Cook's time
Maybe you have it right, in which case, I should like to see sketches!
i am just guessing, i could be wrong heheh
this thread has gotten a tad derailed no biggy (no pun intended LOL). *clears throat*

You know you have BIG boobs when......

your cleavage is not measured in inches, but in YARDS (one yard is 3 feet or 36").
your tops are made of the same material as Bruce Banner's pants (cause they still fit him 'barely' when he Hulks out).
you sell your old bras to sky diving schools to be used as parachutes.
if you had implants they would be some where around 30,000 plus CCs.

YKYHBB when...
You jump in the hottub and when you get out, there is barely any water left due to the discplaced H2O from the volume of your breasts
lol nice ones!
YKYHBB when...
you work at a daycare and when it rains, a dozen ch1ldren gather under each breast for shelter.
You know you have BIG boobs when....

You have to get married in a football field as you cannot fit in a church.
Even after a couple of breast reduction surgeries you still have a bust measurement in the 3 digit range.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to get you and your boobs in one photo at the same time.

(02-18-2013, 05:08 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]YKYHBB when...
you work at a daycare and when it rains, a dozen ch1ldren gather under each breast for shelter.

[Image: MEGGA%2006%20Cropped%2007.jpg]

nice Big Grin

You can't really do doggy-style because your chest is 3 feet off the bed being pushed up by your tits that refuses to flatten down any further.
You know you have BIG boobs when...

when they cannot fit into a ZZZZ cup bra anymore...

[Image: MEGGA%2003%20Cropped%2002.jpg]

Big Grin

I was gonna post these earlier but I had problems logging in to the site via my phone when at work.

You know you have BIG boobs when....

You entered a 'biggest boobs' competition and a girl there with 70" boobs said "oh what's the point of SHE'S here".
You wake from time to time to find that your shirt or nightgown exploded during the night.
Your tops are so tight that when you pop a button it breaks the sound barrier Tongue.
When people try to morph pictures of you their computers lock up.

YKYHBB when...

The only camera capable of capturing the size of your breasts in one photo is the Hubble Telescope.
nice one!

You know you have BIG boobs when....

You enter a wet t shirt contest and by the time they cover you all up there is no water left for the other girls Wink


You got to Expo as a spectator and Chelsea Charms refuses to have her picture taken with you because she knows you'll make her look like the "little boobs" girl.
this came from beshine via her twitter page

you know you have #hugeboobs when shirts and tops rip when you breathe deeply LOL

YKYHBB when...

You'd like to rest your boobs on your thighs but you're afraid that
a) you'll cut off circulation to your legs
b) you'll never see your knees again
c) you'll never get your center of gravity back and stand again
This is also from beshine's twitter page

you know you have gigantic tits when you need an arm lengthening to reach the steering wheel when driving a car

You know you have BIG boobs when....

even when you were young you were already well past 70".
you have a room (or rooms) just for your tops and bras in your house.
when people take pictures of you they need to reload the cameras cause they run out of film just taking part of a picture of you.
you buy sun tan lotion by the gallon.

lol this thread is epic+funny
I thought I would bring this thread back to page one

You know you have BIG boobs when....

you have to wake up a couple of hours earlier than most girls as it takes you an hour to get out of bed, and it takes you an hour to put on your bra and top.
your water bill is always high as it takes a LOT of water for you when you take a shower.
you find out that you have to enter and exit your house via the garage door as you cannot fit them through the standard doors.
[Image: Spider%20cropped.jpg]

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