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September Carrino
To those of you who know me, it will come as no secret that September Carrino is one of my (if not the) favorite naturals in the slim and stacked department.

I would marry this chick!

Anyhow, I have created a new gallery of her SAMPLES. Please note, there are a ton of photos there but they are all LEGAL FREE SAMPLES.

Please find it Here by clicking on this line of text

Beautiful body, awesome natural breasts and the most amazing large nipples that beg to be given the attention they deserve.
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Two new images uploaded to her gallery, including this one!! Though not as big as she used to be, she's still got great boobs and a wonderful figure and a gorgeous face!

[Image: f223d9bfa15378a0f49c20853a73704c.jpg?m=1348766686]
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5 New September Carrino photos uploaded to her gallery including these two...
[u]Amazing Nipples![/u]
[Image: 2841c22f3b2102e45c80dde2244a252d.jpg?m=1349048353]
[u]Incredible ass![/u]
[Image: aa10402fc30fcc95cbf5c398ed070105.jpg?m=1349048350]
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Is it possible that Pinup Files is morphing September's photos? Her fingers just don't look natural:

[Image: september_carrino_071.jpg?m=1345608671]
Yep. I call "foul" on that one too!
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(10-11-2012, 01:44 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: Yep. I call "foul" on that one too!

I'll be very honest with you: I know that beshine is über busty and all, but I am 95% sure that some of her pics have small photoshop 'retouches' I guess most model sites have done it in some moment. I find it unnecessary and annoying but not a 'mortal sin'.
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
Some new images from her gallery, just uploaded. No morphs here, and she's a little smaller than we've been used to but still LOVE THIS WOMAN!!
[Image: 5509540df61d34ecd8e86c469232a03e.jpg?m=1350351703]
[Image: a265cd7f51a98c8e9727c2acb3e55860.jpg?m=1350351704]
What the heck... one more!

[Image: 2bd30797824d53142953fe8adc34e5aa.jpg?m=1350351704]

Now that's something I can definitely get behind!!
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AS you probably know, out of all the women on here... September has my heart more than any other. There's just something incredibly, infinitely, indescribably lovable about this women for me...

Another 12 images added to her gallery including
[Image: 762cc4bf6dc561897b92d5af9e29324f.jpg?m=1351717924]


My God, she's gorgeous!! Love her hair too.
[Image: 4017683bba447d0b0c4679ea367407e6.jpg?m=1351717923]
Check out my new story! 
THIRTEEN more photos added to September's gallery. Merry Christmas everyone!!

[Image: 7e9e175d136aef2de177d0fd40ed028b.jpg?m=1356476921]

[Image: 9befae83d826764f4867e59f48c54879.jpg?m=1356476922]
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God, look at those huge nipples! Man!
where are her piercings...I don't like them, usually, but they looked awesome in her
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
MOAR from the woman the BEA has voted "Most likely to have a marriage proposal accepted by Bonecracker"
[Image: 9e0ce930db3c4b688acaab0ea62a3369.jpg?m=1357106748]
[Image: 5d28c04a1de280f1b8adbdb5b139b2c9.jpg?m=1357106748]
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Two new photos of perfection...IMHO

[Image: BCcCc6KCAAE_bKN_jpg_large.jpg?m=1360640824]
[Image: BBb3nPACQAAnUcP_jpg_large.jpg?m=1360640825]
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Voted "most likely to receive a marriage proposal from The Friendly Neighborhood Bonecracker", September is back with 3 new images
This very morning waking up, thinking of "Bone"
[Image: BDKnjZWCcAA3Of-_jpg_large.jpg?m=1361252988]

And how about a trip down memory lane before she was a JJ cup? She was so tiny back then!
[Image: BDSQZ2GCcAAPi0w_jpg_large.jpg?m=1361252988]
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Time to add to September's gallery too... even though she's talking about a BR back to the size seen in the previous post.

[Image: BD0zzqQCYAAlbaH_jpg_large.jpg?m=1361752739]
[Image: BD1aOuaCMAAQ3bU_jpg_large.jpg?m=1361752739]
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[color=purple][b][size=4]7 new images added to her gallery including...[/b][/color][/size]
[Image: 2c195aa68d9de5c67bdb1cb7f25ce90c.jpg?m=1362540350]
Big Grin
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two cute little twitter pics added to her gallery
[Image: BE4Yh6GCUAARYcL_jpg_large.jpg?m=1362867854]
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50 images posted on September's gallery!
Thanks, titzling! This is just all kinds of awesome!
[Image: Carrino%20155.JPG?m=1363559532]
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My baby likes to share...
[Image: BDrNrbYCQAAzS_v_jpg_large.jpg?m=1364152742]
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50 images added to Gallery!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
[Image: Carrino%20291.JPG?m=1368945240][Image: Carrino%20305.JPG?m=1368945243]

68 pics added to September's gallery starting with #244!
Here's another new one from the ever yummy and loveable September...
[Image: BL8Ik1GCQAA-Dif_jpg_large.jpg?m=1370878945]
Love her nipples!
Check out my new story! 
where did her piercings go?
Skepticism is good, it is the reason why Science progresses. We don't live anymore in the era when a model said she had a 183PPP bra and that was considered a fact by the rest of the mortals.

Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI

If it hurts, it means that you're still living
She took the nipple bars out when she got pregnant there a couple of years ago and they grew over. The benefits are, she has bigger boobs and WAY bigger and better nips now!!
Check out my new story! 

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