(11-28-2016, 10:58 AM)bosomblaster Wrote: [ -> ]Crystal? Crystal who?
Crystal Gunns
(11-25-2016, 05:50 PM)texman Wrote: [ -> ]Since Chelsea and Crystal once were the best (or breast) of friends, I was thinking there should be a sex story featuring the two who have a threesome with a very lucky guy. What story ideas or summary ideas can be used for this story?
I would post this on the Boob and BE Stories section, but no one seems to be going there
Can I be the lucky guy? And can it start with them having another pillow fight like in the dvd they made?
How many times does Chelsea Charms drain her boobs in a year?
nobody knows I know she drains them a bit after she does any touring, but she stated many times that her body is so used to being so HUGELY busty that her boobs fill right back up pretty fast, which is so damn awesome.

That's a good point to add, Agent Dee! And of course, with any kind of medical procedure, there is always risk involved which explains why she has a 'team' of doctors.
(12-02-2016, 10:50 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]And of course, with any kind of medical procedure, there is always risk involved which explains why she has a 'team' of doctors.
I would guess her amazing boobs are probably talked about a lot at plastic surgery conventions. Imagine that discussion!
Oh I BET motor

Yeah, they'd be like, "so we have this interesting case here of this woman with boobs that grow every day"
Does anyone know if Chelsea Charms will visit Australia soon?
There's a new photo update out and EVERY picture in it is a jaw dropper!!
Is it just me, maybe it's just her makeup, but does it seem to anyone else that she's had some work done to her face? She just looks... younger. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, in any way. I just noticed a difference.
Has someone has already mentioned, I think it's lips, which seem fuller.
If she has had some work done, I hope she leaves it at that . My message to her is it's your body and your choice, but please don't go to far, your beautiful as you are.

Of course, at this point some members here are going.... "Wait a minute, she has a face too?"
And yes, it's pretty clear a girl is allowed to get her lips plumped, a little botox sumpin and maybe get her hair 'did'. Who knows, maybe she did!!

(12-08-2016, 09:04 AM)ManofKent Wrote: [ -> ]Has someone has already mentioned, I think it's lips, which seem fuller.
If she has had some work done, I hope she leaves it at that . My message to her is it's your body and your choice, but please don't go to far, your beautiful as you are. 
AMEN !!!!! I CONCUR 1,000,000,0000 % !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are a few new updates out. 2 New Videos and Newsletter pics.
Saw this pic on her twitter and it's just so captivating. No part of her breasts are showing. She is so very beautiful. I honestly would like to see her pay more images like this showing that she is more than a pair of giant breasts she is a beautiful woman and from meeting her once, a kind and smart one too.
Sorry image too large to attach here. I tweeted to her how I find it the most captivating image she posted so far on twitter. I wonder if she will believe me.
I do remember when I saw her in person being so drawn to her face.
Well, yes... and she's just as pretty in this picture too. But here in her Christmas picture, you can choose to look at the bountiful boobies if you wish!!
I sent this picture back to 1995, here's what I heard coming through to my end in 2016.
"Holy crap, the PlayStation graphics are unreal! The fact that it doubles as a full feature CD player that I can hook up to my huge 28 inch tv is just icing on the cake. Alright lemme go on the net and check my email... While the PC is starting up I can make some coffee. *modem screech*...*modem screech*...*modem screech* Ok click Webcrawler.... What's this? *click* Ok hair, something that looks like a padded club door? Maybe a sofa. Ok face, well its of a girl at least, she's pretty. Hello you. Red shirt..maybe it's a Star Trek Next Gen costume change. Wait a sec, is that her boobs? *scrolls down a little* Surely that's the end of the pict-- No way! They're still panning out to the sides! *scrolls down some more* Aww c'mon! I'm over halfway down the picture. They gotta be balloons. Lulu Devine or Crystal Storm still holds the crown. *jaw drops* *door shuts and locks*
Well then, I guess that's that. You're welcome '95.

(12-07-2016, 08:29 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]There's a new photo update out and EVERY picture in it is a jaw dropper!!
Loving those lips. Subtle, spectacular! Damn! Like the tits aren't enough, now the lips on that beautiful face.
Had just seen her in person recently. She looks great. We got caught up on individual moves we've both made that we just talked the whole time lol.
The new (but old) chelsea charms video she will be releasing in 2017
(01-01-2017, 05:29 PM)iBoobuster Wrote: [ -> ]The new (but old) chelsea charms video she will be releasing in 2017
Ah yes, the lawn care series! Skip ahead to 8 minutes 10 seconds.