in her latest tweet, Chelsea reports that her breasts now weigh in excess of 30 lbs each... meaning, her breasts now account for more than half her body weight! Astonishing!!
Holy carp! That is nothing short of amazing!
(09-01-2012, 09:51 PM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]in her latest tweet, Chelsea reports that her breasts now weigh in excess of 30 lbs each... meaning, her breasts now account for more than half her body weight! Astonishing!!
What is (was) her body weight ?

also according to her
Twitter: [i]At the moment approximately 72 inches[/i]
in a response to somebody asking how big she was

A full foot around more than she is tall. WOWZERS! Pictures please!
(09-04-2012, 12:12 AM)Bonecracker Wrote: [ -> ]A full foot around more than she is tall. WOWZERS! Pictures please!
not quite a foot she is 5'2" which makes her 62" tall she would have to have 74" boobs to be a foot bigger around than she is tall


I stand corrected. I was under the impression she was a mere 5' on the nose!
Ten new images posted to the Chelsea Charms gallery, including these two...
![[Image: aug12p1010551.jpg?m=1347201552]](
The first one is from Vegas...
The second one is a sample from her latest set released on her website.
in order for chelsea to be 14,000cc, her breasts would have to be a foot wide each (do the math!)...and they're obviously not, unfortunately, lol
I WANT to be proved I am wrong tho

I guess it also depnds on how far out they project AND how far they hang too. Volume = length x width x height/depth
well, that would be if they were closer to cubes in shape, but they closer to spheres, aren't they

So, Chelsea's in Seattle doing some club dates now. But she has released a new post-vegas video for our enjoyment. And yes, Djoser, they are SPHERES! Giant orbs of delight. I'll post some screen caps in the gallery now. And z nice comparison shot as well.
Here's the comparison photo. On the right, a swinging breast capture from today's video. On the right, a swinging breast capture video from "Bigger is Best" 2008
![[Image: Screen%20shot%202012-09-12%20at%2011_34_...1347502074]](
I like this kind of evidence

not sure how NEW it is but DAMN does she looks SUPER massive in this pic!

WOW!!~ I've never seen that photo before. It looks like it is from a set. I would also dare to say it's quite recent as it has her current hairstyle and color (highlights) which are different to just 6 months ago. Let us know more info if you can, and thanks for sharing!!
its from a new set there is another small non clickable thumbnail on her website and it says: MEMBER'S PHOTO SET
POSTED SEPT 16, 2012 below it. I hope to see more in the near future I have to say this is the best (and biggest) I have seen her look to date.
Yes, she definitely looks fantastic. She's lost weight in all the right places... getting back to that incredible body of 99-2002 era,.. but with the biggest we've ever seen her boobs
is it me or is she as big maybe bigger than this morph done of a pic of her from 99/00

She is indeed much bigger than that morph... although it is amazing how prophetic it was!
I think we are living in interesting imitating art, et al.
I still dream the day beshine will make her morphs look small just like chelsea does nowadays
Danke Herr Dee

oh i need to complete 25 characters, these must be enough[/align]
from her
Twitter: Darn it! Woke up this morning and both arms were numb again after being crushed by my boobs!