(12-24-2014, 07:51 AM)Archaon Wrote: [ -> ] (12-23-2014, 11:29 PM)motorboatman Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not really sure there is a limit for her. That's the scary thing.
It might just be me but I'm no longer shocked by Chelsea's full size. That's not a criticism by any means it's just kind of...normal for her, I guess?
What does actually shock me is when she does a set where she's had a drain. The last set I saw is still on the archives on her members site. There's no topless pics unfortunately but from the clothed pictures it blows my mind that she carries so much fluid that removing it can take her down to somewhere around Casey James' size. But then within a few months (if that?) she's not only back up at her full size but slowly growing too.
I would love to see what would happen if she let them grow for a long period of time without drains but I suspect that at the very least it would be uncomfortable for her.
I can really see your point on this. Has with all big bust models, after many years in the business it does get to the stage where, to a certain extent, you don't even question it anymore-you just accept that this is just the way they look now.
To me, over the years, it has got to the stage where, even though they are just synthetic implants, it has strangely become just 'natural' to see them with them, and I honesty can't imagine them without them.
(I've seen some really early pictures of Minka when she first started out about 20 years ago, and before she became really ENORMOUS, and I can't really imagine that one day, when these models retire one by one, they will go back to looking like this).
On another matter, I've heard talk that there was something of a competition going on between her and Beshine about who's got the biggest chest in the world, and without sounding bias I kinda leaning towards Chelsea's side on this debate.
It's not that I've got nothing against Beshine (or her claim), it's just that when I compare the two side-by-side (when Chelsea has grown to her fullest size at the time), I do feel that she[i] LOOKS [/i]slightly bigger then Beshine, and they look more 'rounder' in shape then Beshine's.
That is why I really, REALLY think that those two should really get together one day, when Chelsea has really GROWN again before her next drain, just so that we can actually draw real evidence between the two of them, preferably being measured with a tape measure would help.
I would like to see them together one day, and I hope it does happen.
The only thing that would worry me, however, is that if this does happen then one of them will end up second place, and seeing how they are BOTH trying to claim that title for years I'd be worried that one of them would end up very disappointed about losing out after spending so much time and effort trying to get there.